University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Campus Facts & Figures

out of 5

The Campus Pride Index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program and practice. How is this calculated?

Region: Midwest
City/State: Lincoln, NE
Locale: Medium City (100,000 to 500,000)
Student Population (FTE): 21,000
In-State Tuition: $10,434.00
Out-of-State Tuition: $28,584.00
Institution Website:
Institution Type:
Doctoral/Research University
Master's College/University
Baccalaureate College/University
Public/State University
Residential Campus

LGBTQ Student Opportunities


Colleges and universities want LGBTQ students, faculty and staff to be out and proud as part of the diversity of the campus community.  The Campus Pride Index provides campuses the opportunity to come out as LGBTQ-friendly and take responsibility for continually improving their LGBTQ campus climate. 
The Campus Pride Index features LGBTQ student opportunities by highlighting the positive work within higher education across the country. Prospective students and families may choose the best LGBTQ campuses searching the tool based on area of study, cost, location, type of campus and LGBTQ-inclusive policy, programs and practice for their college search.  
Reminder: Learn more by signing-up for FREE to participate in Campus Pride's LGBTQ-friendly National College Fair Program in eight different cities and the Campus Pride National Online College Fair.

Commitment to LGBTQ Issues

In 2023, the LGBTQA+ Center and Women’s Center merged into the Gender and Sexuality Center. This shift is intended to have a center working in the area of gender and sexuality rather than highlighting identities in the name. This took place after the LGBTQA+ & Women’s Centers became free standing centers with one professional staff (the director) at each center. The directors worked closely together until the WC director retired in 2019 and the LGBTQA+ Director became the director for both centers. After a review of the LGBTQA+ Center, it was recommended that the centers merge. There are now 3 professional staff at the center. Our budget has grown and stabilized. We manage sexual health promotion, students with children, free supplies for safer sex, menstrual equipment, pregnancy tests, and programming and services for all students, LGBTQA+ students, and more. Our work is seen as essential, and we have many campus partners and supporters. LGBTQA+ identities, programs, and services have become integral to the campus. We have made significant policy changes benefiting the LGBTQA+ community over the year. We provide a quantity of quality programs and services for students. We made it through covid and have had increasing engagement from students and the campus community. With the current political climate, the university is committed to supporting our students to the best of our ability. There have been structural changes made to help sustain the center.

Our Synopsis

Our campus has a variety of programs, services, outreach, engagement, and support opportunities that include the Gender and Sexuality Center's programming, services, education, and outreach; an interest question on our Admissions application; visibility about resources, policies, and ways to navigate campus; gender inclusive restrooms included on campus maps (including the app); gender inclusive changing facilities in our campus recreational facilities and in Animal Sciences; LGBTQA+ student organizations in a variety of areas; an LGBTQA+ minor, and a concentration in English; Prism Learning Community; Gender Inclusive Housing options; a Gender Identity, Pronouns, and Chosen Name Policy; includes gender identity and sexual orientation in the nondiscrimination policy; a Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities; a LGBTQA+ student support fund; scholarships for LGBTQA+ students; a paid summer internship at the GSC; student staff positions (grad and undergrad) and many supportive faculty, staff, student government, other students; and an environment that is one of the best for LGBTQA+ students in NE! The NE Alumni Association has a Pride Alumni Network; and we now have a Pride Affinity Group for faculty, staff, and grad students. We also have the first LGBTQA+ NE History Marker located on campus!

Featured Quotes

Why you'll love University of Nebraska - Lincoln

UNL has always been a very welcoming environment for me, especially for being located in Nebraska. As a student I was always informed and comfortable with the resources I had available and felt supported by the community around me. Now as a staff member I can help foster that positive environment and sense of community for new LGBTQIA+ students, staff and faculty.

— Alum and current staff member.

For the most part I feel comfortable on campus, especially knowing other LGBTQA+ students, staff, and faculty, and that there are queer-positive spaces available. The Center helps a lot so folks have a place to get information and resources, know how to get involved, and just knowing the center is here helps a lot.

— Junior, Trans Man,

"Even though we don't have the most diverse campus community, the community we do have supports each other no matter what."

— 21 year old junior

"When I first came to UNL I was scared that I would struggle as a trans student, but you and the rest of the people at the LGBT+ resource center have been an incredible help and I've felt more supported here than any other time in my life."

— Trans student, sophomore, Actuarial Science major

"My college is super LGBT + friendly also, so if you're stuck on where to go, consider UNL as an option. They have great programs."

— Posted on Instagram by Trans student

Highlights & Organizations

Upcoming events


LGBTQA+ Welcome Celebration!


Lavender Graduation


Pride in the Workplace


Night of the Living Drag Show!



Groups & activities


Admissions Office

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Admissions Office

Undergraduate Office of Admissions
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
1410 Q Street

Lincoln, NE 68588-0417

Phone: 402-472-0670

Admission Application Deadline:

Email Campus Admissions

Overall Campus Pride Index Score

The Campus Pride Index has a strong theoretical research foundation in LGBTQ current programs, practices and policies for safer, more inclusive campus learning environments. The index tool has been tested extensively since 2001 and recently updated with new, higher LGBTQ national benchmarks in 2015. 

The Campus Pride Index is a vital tool for assisting campuses in learning ways to improve their LGBTQ campus life  and ultimately shape the educational experience to be more inclusive, welcoming and respectful of LGBTQ and ally people. The index is owned and operated by Campus Pride, the leading national nonprofit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create safer, more LGBTQ-Friendly learning environments at colleges and universities. Campus Pride commends the campuses participating in the index and their willingness to come out, be visible and actively advocate for improving higher education for LGBTQ people.

Note: Prospective students and families are strongly encouraged to research current state laws for any college/university you are considering. The Campus Pride Index is updated annually and only measures current campus policies, programs and practices. Find information about state laws targeting the LGBTQ+ population on the Movement Advancement Project’s Equality Maps at

University of Nebraska - Lincoln
LGBTQ-friendly break-down by inclusion factors

Sexual Orientation Score
4.5 of 5
Gender Identity/Expression Score
4.5 of 5
LGBTQ Policy Inclusion
4.5 of 5
LGBTQ Support & Institutional Commitment
5 of 5
LGBTQ Academic Life
4 of 5
LGBTQ Student Life
4.5 of 5
LGBTQ Housing & Residence Life
4.5 of 5
LGBTQ Campus Safety
4.5 of 5
LGBTQ Counseling & Health
3 of 5
LGBTQ Recruitment & Retention Efforts
4 of 5
Sections greyed out mean the campus does not offer those services

LGBTQ-Friendly Report Card

LGBTQ Policy Inclusion

Non-discrimination statement inclusive of sexual orientation
Non-discrimination statement inclusive of gender identity/expression
Health insurance coverage to employees’ same sex partner
Accessible, simple process for students to change their name on university records and documents
Accessible, simple process for students to change their gender identity on university records and documents
Students have option to self-identify sexual orientation on admission application or post enrollment forms
Students have option to self-identify gender identity/expression on admission application or post enrollment forms

LGBTQ Support & Institutional Commitment

Resource center/office with responsibilities for LGBTQ students
Paid staff with responsibilities for LGBTQ support services
Ally program or Safe Space/Safe Zone
Actively seek to employ diversity of faculty & staff including visible, out LGBTQ people
Standing advisory committee that deals with LGBTQ issues
LGBTQ alumni group

LGBTQ Academic Life

LGBTQ studies program
LGBTQ specific course offerings
Actively recruit faculty for LGBTQ-related academic scholarship
New faculty/staff training opportunities on sexual orientation issues
New faculty/staff training opportunities on gender identity issues
LGBTQ faculty/staff organization

LGBTQ Student Life

LGBTQ & Ally student organization
LGBTQ & Ally graduate student organization
LGBTQ social fraternity/sorority
Regularly plans LGBTQ social activities
Regularly plans educational events on transgender issues
Regularly offers educational events surrounding intersectionality of identities for LGBTQ people
LGBTQ-inclusive career services

LGBTQ Housing & Residence Life

LGBTQ living space, theme floors and/or living-learning community
Roommate matching for LGBTQ students to find LGBTQ-friendly roommate
Gender-inclusive housing for new students
Gender-inclusive housing for returning students
Gender-inclusive/single occupancy restroom facilities in campus housing
Gender-inclusive/single occupancy shower facilities in campus housing
Trains residence life and housing staff at all levels on LGBTQ issues and concerns

LGBTQ Campus Safety

Procedure for reporting LGBTQ related bias incidents and hate crimes
Active ongoing training for hate crime prevention
Active outreach to LGBTQ students and student organization
Trains campus police on sexual orientation issues
Trains campus police on gender identity/expression issues
Supports victims of LGBTQ sexual violence and partner violence

LGBTQ Counseling & Health

LGBTQ counseling/support groups
Trans-inclusive trained counseling staff
Free, anonymous and accessible HIV/STI testing
LGBTQ-inclusive health information and safer sex materials available
Trans-inclusive student health insurance policy which covers ongoing counseling services
Trans-inclusive student health insurance policy which covers hormone replacement therapy

LGBTQ Recruitment & Retention

Annually participates in LGBTQ admission fairs
LGBTQ student scholarships
LGBTQ mentoring program to welcome and assist LGBTQ students in transitioning to academic and college life
Special Lavender or Rainbow Graduation ceremony for LGBTQ students and allies
Admission counselors receive LGBTQ-inclusive training and resources

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